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Nancy Mullan, MD
3 min read
MTHFR Positive and Freaked Out About It
You just got your methylation genetics test result back. It's positive (MTHFR +). You know this means something. It explains something...
Nancy Mullan, MD
4 min read
MTHFR + and Chronic illness
Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia have been a mystery for years. You seem healthy, but you are tired all the time. You can't enjoy...
Nancy Mullan, MD
5 min read
The Status of the Current Infection for MTHFR + People
Can any more possibly be said about the current infectious issue? Yes, no doubt, a lot more... But the following is a summary of some...
Nancy Mullan, MD
4 min read
Dealing with the Ongoing Infection and MTHFR +
The current worldwide health and economic situation may not have started as a political issue, but it didn't take long for it to become...
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