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Anti-Viral Treatments OK for MTHFR + People

Writer's picture: Nancy Mullan, MDNancy Mullan, MD

I sincerely hope that you are well.

You can use the following information to help you stay well and resist any organism that may have gained a foothold in your body. You do not have to be sick to have a virus or other disease causing organism in your body in amounts that are too low to cause illness. But they can rapidly proliferate if you become immune suppressed for any reason. So it is best to keep your viral and abnormal bacteria counts low.

The MTHFR C677T mutation is an important cause of reduced immune function. It limits the number of methyl groups your body can generate. You need methyl groups to form the cells that mediate your immune response and hold down the number of viruses, bacteria and other organisms in your body so you wont get sick.

Make sure that you have adequate amounts of vitamins A, C and D on board. These are important supporting agents for immune function. High dose Vitamin C is a very effective anti-viral agent. You can take this vitamin by mouth dosing frequently, about every half hour or hour, but you will reach a point of bowel tolerance when it will give you diarrhea. Back off at that point and, when the diarrhea had abated, continue with 25% less than the dose that gave you diarrhea every two to four hours. Not every body will tolerate this well, so if you are one of the people who cannot do it, you get too much diarrhea too soon, then do something else. If you cannot tolerate this orally, Vitamin C can be given intravenously at concentrations that are effective in wiping out a virus.

You have to have the SARS-CoV-2 infection actually diagnosed in order for your doctor to give you Hydroxychloroquine and  Azithromycin, but if you are a person who has been diagnosed and you have been given these medications, add zinc to your regimen. Zinc has been pivotal in resolving the infection along with these medications. The form used in the mainstream is zinc sulfate 220mg. You may not be able to use the sulfur in zinc sulfate. You should use another form of zinc, for example zinc picolinate, in a high dose format. You should be in the care of a doctor/naturopath, someone who knows nutritional medicine. Do not try to handle this yourself. 

Treatment with ozone is an important but seldom discussed solution for viral infection. The coronavirus is a lipid-coated virus, and if you disrupt that lipid coat, you reduce or eliminate its infectivity. Ozone attacks lipids, and viruses cannot repair that damage. Thus, ozone may effectively destroy the virus and save you from getting serious acute illness.

The following is a link to an interview by Dr. Mercola about the use of ozone:

If you are significantly symptomatic, do not go home, drink fluids and take tylenol, a recommendation you may get. JUMP ON IT as early as you realize you are sick. A person with an MTHFR mutation is not going to fight infection as well as someone without one so you are actually high risk. You need to do more to deal with this. If you want IV Vitamin C and/or IV ozone, contact a local, well-recommended naturopath who uses these treatment modalities. In Burbank, California, where I am located, Joel Noland, ND offers these options. His office number is (818) 736-9889.

If you have any questions about your health and how you are doing in these extraordinary times, you can get an Exploratory Conversation with me. It is a 30-minute conversation in which I will listen to your health issues, review your recent test results, and make recommendations about what  you should do. It will clear up any confusion you have about which direction is up, which supplements may help, and/or what else you should do at this point. The fee for this service is $129. It is easy to set a time for one soon, and it can save you getting really sick with this virus, lurching around in the dark with a clinician who doesn’t know that much about MTHFR + and how it relates to viral illness. Whether you have one or several MTHFR mutations, you may be dealing with conditions in your body that are confusing and difficult to understand. You can cut through all of that and get clarifying input that gives you hope and moves you away from vulnerability to this current viral health crisis. I look forward to being able to help you, Dr. Mullan



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